
WorldSynth editor

WorldSynth is an open source project that functions as a framework, engine and editor, for procedural generation of environments, and provides an open and flexible platform inspired by industry standard tools for terrain creation.

Were most other tools for the purpose primarily or only focuses on providing tools used to create large and realistic terrains during the creation process of assets for game or other media, WorldSynth aims at expanding the application of the existing workflows from these tools, to also cover usage in-engine, for generation of terrains in the run time of games, as well as working for standalone use by environment artists creating premade assets. In addition it also expands the application of existing workflows to handling a wider variety of environment data, like volumetric data.

WorldSynth was originally created with the intent of creating a “mod” (user-created modification) for Minecraft, to introduce a highly configurable terrain generator in replacements of the game’s own included terrain generator. WorldSynth at the core is now game-agnostic, and any platform specific compatibility necessities for any game are provided through the use of addons.

Cavernscape timelapse
Cavernscape in WorldSynth
Composer (WIP) and Patcher editor used together
Old WorldSynth from first public release

WorldSynth can be downloded from the WorldSynth website, and the source code is available on GitLab.