
CogBadge soldering

CogBadge is an electronics kit made to be used as an introductory experience to soldering and electronics at Hackerspace NTNU. The kit and acomodating building guide gives an elementary introduction to through-hole soldering and a the most common components that can be found in electronics.

Hackerspace NTNU is an open workshop for the students at NTNU, the students maintaining the workshop, while having varied education and experience, are all expected to obtain at least basic level of skills in several fields to be able to help visitors to the workshop when needed; soldering and electronics being one such skill.

The finished kit serves as a name badge that may be worn on clothing with a brooch needle or worn on a lanyard, and features 16 LEDs that cycle in various patterns that can be changed between using the buttons.

The kit also includes an assembly guide that in addition to guiding the maker through the assembly, also teaches soldering technique and gives a brief introduction to the function of the different components.

Schematic design in KiCad
Prototype on breadboard
Reverse engineering logo for CAD modelling
CAD model for PCB and LED placement
Dummy-badge created with laser cutter to evaluate board size
PCB design in KiCad
Firmware development for the AVR MCU in Atmel Studio
Programming and test setup
CogBadge kit
The CogBadge kit
Kit manual